Monday, April 7, 2008

Berry Buckle

When I was cleaning up the kitchen and the front of the refrigerator this weekend I was inspired to make a Raspberry/Blackberry Buckle as a treat for Paul. I had some berries in the refrigerator that needed to get used up. While cleaning the front of my refrigerator I glanced at Amy Carol's Cheat Sheet of Basic Recipes with a Raspberry Buckle recipe on it. I was going to use the berries for breakfast tomorrow, but decided to go with the buckle instead.

This was very good, mine looks a bit of a mess, I added about 1/2 cup white chocolate chips and mixed Raspberries and Blackberries since I didn't have enough Raspberries. I served it with a few carmelized bananas (that needed to be eaten) and vanilla ice cream. I won't post the recipe since I basically took it right from Amy's Cheat Sheet, but feel free to download it here. Say hi and peruse her blog while you are at it.



This was SOOOOO easy to make and very yummy!

The leftover bananas made a yummy topping for pancakes the next morning.


Caramelized Bananas

2 bananas, cut into slices 1/8"-1/4" thick
1/8 cup brown sugar
1 Tbsp butter

Melt butter on low in small pan, sprinkle brown sugar into pan and stir until just mixed with butter, add bananas, stir to coat. Cook on low 2-3 minutes until lightly browned, not until soft and mushy!

{Edited: I accidentally posted instead of saved this, I'll add pictures tonight in case you are the kind of person that won't make a recipe without a picture.}

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